Accelerated Reader Points Club

Accelerated Reader Points Club!!

To increase successful independent reading, Watkins Elementary is participating in Accelerated Reader. Each week, students are to check out appropriate independent leveled books from the school's media center. After taking time to read the book, students are to take the comprehension quiz online. Each book is worth a certain amount of points. The number of points students earn is based on the number of questions they answer correctly.

Some parents have also decided to look online at AR books and take their child to the neighborhood library to check out their leveled books. The great thing about this program is that students can also take their online quizzes from home!

The 3rd grade schoolwide goal is to earn a minimum of 3 points per month, however, if students are reading consistently and are taking their tests they should be able to bypass this minimum each month.

To encourage my students, I have developed an "AR Points Club". Every few weeks, we have an a special thing (Craft Day, Pizza Social, etc). Participation is dependent upon the amount of points that have been earned between each activity. Below you will find the members of my "AR Points Club"!! Your assistance & encouragement are greatly appreciated. This is to make OUR children better readers and thinkers!!






Remember, it's not too late to move up or for new members to join! Just keep reading!!

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