Class Rundown



Here you will find everything you'll need

to ensure a successful 2010-2011 school year!

Discipline Policies

Color System

Green—great behavior, Yellow— Warning (possible phone call to parent if necessary) Red—final demerit (Mandatory Parent, Teacher, Student Conference)

 Homework Policy

Reading/Language Arts Homework

o   Given on Mondays and Thursdays

o   Assignments will be written in agendas (please check nightly)

o   Full credit is not given if homework is returned late.

 Reading to and with your child

«  Please stress the importance of DAILY reading

«  MINIMUM of 20 minutes a night of level appropriate books (harder does NOT mean better!) This reading is not viewed as homework because reading is something that we should do every day!

«  If parents don’t have level appropriate books at home please try to visit the public or school library.

«  Reading Logs will be used and should be recorded on daily. It is important that you sign the reading logs or they will not be counted / accepted. This is mandatory throughout the school & considered a part of reading homework in my class.


«  Please look at them daily.

«  Sign even when empty and put them directly in their backpacks.

«  If they are not signed/initialed and returned daily, your child may miss other special privileges for that day.

«  If there is anything that you’d like to communicate with me, the agenda is the perfect place to do this! I check it DAILY!

 Work brought home

«  YOU are responsible for looking in their backpacks every day.

«  Please have your child empty backpacks & communication folders on a regular basis


«  The school day starts at 8:00 am and they are marked late beginning at 8:01am.

«  Morning work begins at 7:50am (until 8:15am); extra time is not given to complete it for those that arrive after 8am.